Quick update for you all. Long time no speak and all that, Team PYT have had to switch focus to finishing up a load of deadlines and going to see amazing bands at ATPavement. We are ready to go again now though!

First up, thank you SO SO MUCH to everyone who was involved with Sounds From The Other City. Anyone who came down to the Postcards From Manchester stage will know that it was packed all day long, and we were treated to really special performances from all the bands. My personal highlights were Windmill playing ‘Start a War’ by The National, seeing the waves of confusion and excitement when Islet started playing ‘Jasmine’ and bounding around the room, and obviously the madness that ensued once The Rural Alberta Advantage started. It was taking three of us to hold the speakers up during The RAA because you lot were enjoying it so much. That we then went on to drink the bar dry during the disco after which included pub long jumps and limbo dancing just topped it all off! There have been some ace reviews of the day in the NME, Pigeon Post, Artrocker. Here is a little taste of the day…

So, moving on from that. PYT news.

Number one, the bad news. Due to all of the other work we’ve had on, the new issue of the PYT zine is going to be a wee bit late. Rather than coming out at this week’s PYT at Common (Wednesday night, 8 till midnight, fun fun fun!) The new zine is looking ace, so will be worth the wait. It’ll be out at the start of June rather than the end of May – sorry folks.


This week isn’t just a PYT on a Wednesday week, it is also a return to PYT putting gigs on week! We have got some ace ace bands coming to play, and we are dead excited! SO, Thursday =

Pull Yourself Together presents…

Foxes! – ‘the first ­attempt in musical history to wrangle winsome C86 indie with prog rock’ Alexis Petridis, The Guardian

Curly Hair – ‘I love it, I absolutely love it… an absolute delight!’ Marc Riley, BBC 6Music

Saki Bar (Upstairs)
Wilmslow Road, Rusholme
Thursday 27th May
8pm – £5 / £4 with an animal t-shirt!

To celebrate the Bank Holiday we are heading over to Eurocultured where the lovely folks from Red Deer Club are hosting the Arch stage, and have asked us to come along and play some songs in between the ace bands they’ve got playing, including PYT favourites Young British Artists! Again, it’s £5, and that’ll get you into all of the stages all day.

And finally, another gig we are involved in. If you’ve been over to our website in the past couple of months you’ll know that we love both The School and Hexicon. The School play the best 60s tinged girl-pop around – if you’ve not seen them before we can guarantee you’ll fall in love. Hexicon are well worth a watch too, so don’t miss ’em! Friday 4th June: Postcards from Manchester present… The School and Hexicon at Saki Bar