Sounds From The Other City – this Sunday!

If you are in and around Manchester you are probably more than aware that it is Sounds From The Other City festival this Sunday in Salford. Here at PYT we are absolutely delighted to be involved in the festival this year, co-curating a stage with the rest of the Postcards From Manchester team. We aren’t going to try and give you a full guide of who to see where and when, as there are loads of them knocking about already, with the guides at Erase Erase and Manchester Music being particularly good.

There are loads and loads of great bands playing all over the festival. Somewhat handily, ours is the last stage to open, so we get to see some other bands before we have to start working! The timings for the Postcards From Manchester stage, which is downstairs at The Old Pint Pot are below. We would also suggest keeping your eye out around the bandstand and our beer garden for extra secret sets…

11.15 The Rural Alberta Advantage

10.00 Islet

9.00 Windmill

8.15 Help Stamp Out Loneliness

7.00 Just Handshakes (We’re British)

6.00 The Cavalcade

DOORS: 6pm till 1am – Underachievers Please Try Harder + Pull Yourself Together + You! Me! Dancing! disco after the bands!

If you want to get into the atmosphere here is a Spotify playlist with a taste of our stage. Tickets are really close to selling out, we’d suggest rushing to Piccadilly Records, Common, Fuel or clicking here pronto to make sure you don’t miss out!

PS – Unfortunately The Lovely Eggs have had to pull out. We will be working on getting some other great stuff going on in and around our venue to make up for this!